Westport Island Upside-Down Apple Pie

So I'm baking this pie in July, and there are simply no cranberries to be had, of course, as it is not the season. Well, I say to self, since the recipe calls for one or two handfuls, why not try one or two handfuls of wild Maine blueberries instead? And self did not reply, but simply grabbed the pint of berries in the fridge and poured out a couple handfuls! I did go to market to get "crisp apples." All I had on hand were Macintosh, and they just wouldn't do for an apple pie, especially if we are upending the apples. Macintosh just can't handle such topsy-turviness! I spied "Jazz" apples--come all the way from New Zealand, the sticker said. Well, they seemed pretty crisp to me, so I bought three for the pie. I love the upside-down feature of this pie. It's just plain kid-fun, you know? Plus, you get all that delicious brown-sugar-and-pecans goodness that was hiding at the bottom, baking, and you just flip the pie tin and put it all on top to serve! ...