Best Barbeque Sauce

I am not much of a meat-eater. Give me fish anyday, or vegetarian-based meals. But my husband is a great taste-tester of all things meat. So I knew I could rely on him to run a test on the BBQ sauce.

I mixed up all the ingredients, and they are to simmer together for a little while. The difficulty I encountered is that the large quantity of olive oil did not want to blend with the catsup. I suppose if I had one of those gizmos that looks like a magic blender wand, I might have been able to blend "in situ" as my resident archaeologist might say.

I'm guessing the sauce probably needs to marry awhile in the fridge, for improved flavor, so we'll have to get back to the resident taste-tester at a later date, to find out if his rating agrees with "Best" as the title indicates! In the fridge the sauce sits, awaiting the Taste-Tester of all things meat.


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