Crab Dip

Don't you just love how necessity gives you just the right choices, when you would never have thought of it otherwise?  I have been making most of the recipes in this cookbook in smaller portions, when just myself and the resident archaeologist are at table. So I have to be creative about what dishes to use to cook these smaller portions in.  

Enter the mini pie tin. I just grabbed two out of the baking cupboard because they looked like they would be the right size to hold a half-recipe. They were just right, split between the two tins.  But the added benefit? You can serve from oven to table! This is the perfect container in which to serve the hot dip, because the heat of the tin keeps the contents hot for a little while (which is all you need, because it is devoured instantly.)  This recipe makes up very quickly, and you could store the filled mini pie tins in the fridge for a few hours, I think, while you are preparing other foods for your meal. Then tuck this food-for-the-gods into the oven thirty minutes before you want to serve it, and ta-dah, everyone's palate is instantly happy!

Serve with crackers and carrots and celery. Melts-in-the-mouth-dip. Be sure you get your crabmeat from a quality place. I unfortunately did not, and there was cartilage mixed in, which detracted from the experience somewhat. 


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