Formerly Ed's Chicken

 I saw the title of this recipe and I thought, oh dear, a loved one's recipe, and they want to remember his life by this wonderful meal. No, the dude did not die! The real story is hilarious and you just have to get the cookbook to enjoy it. 

I rather like the anticipation that goes along with a marinade, don't you? You measure the one-two-three (in this case, five) marinade combo in a ziplock bag, pound the chicken breast and pierce it to absorb the marinade, drop the chicken breast in the bag with the marinade, seal, and squish it all over, then gently lay the bag on a plate in the fridge (I always put something under the bag to catch any drips...ziplocks don't always seal perfectly). Then you go about your life and tomorrow's supper is, well, "in the bag."

My husband was busy cooking something else for his dinner tonite, so I just prepared one chicken breast, plus a side of Creamy Mashed Turnip (another fine recipe from MBCC) and some garlic bread for my meal this evening. Amazing flavor! The recipe does call for grilling, and it was too dark by the time we prepared supper, so I just baked the chicken in the oven at 350.

I like the day-before prep. This would be a fast, low-stress way to prepare meat for a cookout with family or friends and just pull it out of the fridge next-day and put it on the grill. I paired the meal with a "Vineyard Blues" wine from the local Savage Oakes Vineyard Winery, which is a combination of red wine and blueberry wine. 


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