Red Hot Mumbai Spicy Lamb Chili Dog

 I'm really enjoying the lamb recipes in this cookbook. This one especially. Lamb is a great meat for chili, it turns out! The spices in this recipe are a flavor funfest. Garam masala, chili, cumin, coriander, and turmeric. The lamb compliments the spices perfectly.

And mixing chili with red hot dogs? Brilliant! You'll see in the photo that I can't get enough onions. I put plenty of onions in the chili itself, but red onion on top just adds to Onion Enjoyment. I opted to layer the meal, buttered and pan toasted hot dog rolls, split and fried red hot dogs, lamb chili, and red onion. I did not have any Greek yogurt on hand, but that would have made the meal.

The person who submitted this recipe is from India. Her husband invented this recipe by accident, when their child was hungry and wanted a hot dog. He saw the lamb chili and, pure inspiration, put them together. It's a winner!


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