Grandma Nemitz's Turkey Stuffing

 We purchased a turkey early in the week, and it defrosted by the weekend, so we decided to do the full-fledged Thanksgiving meal this weekend, and do something different on the actual holiday. I was interested in making this recipe, since I have not made homemade stuffing in a number of years, going with the ease of boxed stuffings. 

It came together very well, with the innards simmering in a pot for as long as I needed them to simmer (it ended up being much longer than the hour the recipe calls for, as I got busy, but longer does no harm). The onion and celery and cooked innards and some spices pulsed together in the food processor nicely. I then threw the stuffing bread (torn and dried in the oven) into a big bowl with the meat/veggie mixture, and poured the liquid from cooking the innards over the whole of it, and stirred it up. Add some freshly ground pepper and salt and it's all good!

I loved the smell of this, as I stirred it all together. There is something about the smell of stuffing that transports one to a place of relaxation. Well, at least, for me that is true. I just have great childhood memories of eating all the stuffing my heart desired at the Thanksgiving table, when we would gather with extended family each year. I had an uncle who loved stuffing just as much as I did, and we always tried to outdo each other for extra helpings!

I like the way the stuffing presents so well in my Pfaltzgraff berry bowl. Plenty of stuffing to go around, since it was just myself and the Resident Archaeologist at table! But that's fine, since leftovers will make meals easy for several days now.


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