Chilled Green Curry & Asparagus Soup with Lobster

 This is one of those elegant recipes you probably find in five-star restaurants. I learned a few things that I will do differently next time. For instance, while we often make yellow curry paste at home for various meals, I had never made green curry paste, so I bought it in a jar. It just wasn't as good as homemade. So I will make my own next time.

Also, the coconut milk, not my fav ingredient. I will probably substitute almond milk next time. I did very much like sauteing the asparagus in the curry paste. Great way to prepare asparagus, as long as you don't burn the paste in the process (yup, 'fraid so, raising my hand, I confess, that was me, in the kitchen, burning the paste...).

Nobody could confuse my prepared dish with one provided at a five-star restaurant. But who can complain when your mouth is full of to-die-for lobster and chilled asparagus soup? Not me!


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