Squash Muffins

 Fall might be the time of year for "pumpkin spice" in your coffee. Myself, give me squash (seriously, if you've seen "squash spice" available in the grocery, do let me know). I've had a love affair with squash ever since I can remember. I like it in a pie, but my all-time fav is simply cooked and mashed with butter. So when I found this recipe, you can bet I was some excited! 

Muffins are just about the perfect breakfast food. You can add or subtract any number of ingredients, and the muffin will adjust to your every whim. Want blueberries? Pour them in! Experimenting with chocolate and raspberries? The batter is ready and waiting. Have a child who never eats veggies? The batter willingly conspires with you to hide the squash.

Muffins are quick and easy to prepare, and while squash is not as quick and easy to prepare, it was my good fortune that the Resident Archaeologist recently cooked a butternut squash, with plenty of leftovers. So I was happy to use some of the leftovers for these muffins.

These muffins are great stand-alone, warm and buttered. I also like them as a quick breakfast with a cup of coffee or juice. And they are great any time of day to add to a meal.


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