Stutzman's Chicken Pot Pie Soup

Don't you just love a recipe that sounds familiar, but is in a completely different form? Who doesn't love Chicken Pot Pie? So tasting it as a soup sounded like a great adventure to me!

The ingredients are much the same as you would have in a pot pie, minus the crust, of course. I do think it might have been more satisfying on the tongue had it been thicker. I guess, as much as I thought I wanted a soup adventure, what I really wanted was pot pie without the crust...

It was too late, by the time I made this discovery, to do much about it. I quickly threw together a roux and added that in, but it was still very thin and soupy. I've made notes to create a bechamel at the start (and adjust the amount of cream the recipe calls for), to get that creamy thickness going on, sort of chowdery rather than soupy, you know?  I also might experiment with how the potato flakes in the recipe could be used as a thickener too. All in all, terrific flavor, slurpy soupy goodness, but not quite the pot pie texture I was dreaming of. That's okay, it's still a good go-to soup for a cold winter's day (and yes, I made it on a hot August evening, silly me!).


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