Mom Tuscan's Double-Batch Maine Donuts

 I'm still getting my donut feet under me, so to speak. I am not as fluent in working with the dough and the hot oil as I'd like to be. There is a certain ease that comes, I'm sure, with experience--rolling out a dough not too sticky but not overly floured; dropping the dough into the hot oil without a splash; timing the flip of the donut so that it doesn't overcook on one side.

I'll get there, but I'm not sure I reached the pinnacle of expertise with the batch I made today. I have a ways to go before I make the Perfect Donut. They turned out tasty, but just a tad too crispy, I think. Of course, it would help if I didn't have an ancient fryer. It does not have any temp gauge on it, so I can't regulate the heat. And were I to try the stovetop, the nature of a glass-topped electric oven is that the heating elements cycle on and off, so it is very hard to keep a consistent heat. (If I went on about this in my blog about Hester's Donuts, forgive me. Nothing has changed in the fryer equipment since then.) 

Overall, I'm very pleased with this recipe. Easy to make and a satisfying snack on a Saturday morning...or any morning!


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