Gay Island Lobster Scramble

 This could not be an easier recipe. And every bite of egg has an exquisite taste of lobster in it! And to think that back in 1935, when lobsters were a dime a dozen at the coast, you could have your fill of them! The recipe originates in "Just a Few Maine Sea Food Recipes" circa 1935.

The recipe is simply eggs and chopped cooked lobster meat. So if you were on a spit of land, waiting on a supply boat and tending the lighthouse, how do you feed your family if the supply boat can't get thru for weeks, due to weather? The lighthouse keepers might have had a few laying hens, and lobsters were plentiful, so much so that they were considered a "poor man's food."

I think this makes for an elegant breakfast, and would only add one more food item to make one's breakfast "quintessential Maine." Popovers. Hot out of the oven. That would require flour, which a lighthouse keeper would have in the pantry. And if you've got hens, you've got eggs. Oh yes, and butter and milk, which you might have, if you were lucky to keep a cow.

I'm good to go. Put me on an island for a week, with nothing but popovers and Lobster Scramble, and you won't hear a single complaint from me!


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