Worcester Family Blueberry Buckle

I currently am blessed to live in Blueberry Country. And blueberries are my most favorite fruit. So that's something I'm definitely going to have to thank St Peter for, when I get to the Gate. Living in the land of wild blueberries is not heaven, but perhaps comes close.

Buckles are just simply the easiest dessert you could ever hope for. Not many ingredients. Not much time involved. Tuck it in the oven and Ta-Dah! Instant scrumptious-ness.

The only thing to add, after you pull it out of the oven? Vanilla Ice Cream! Yesssss!
Oh, okay, whipped cream will do, if you don't have ice cream. And if you thought this was just a dessert...try thinking out of the box. Like breakfast. Gives an excellent start to any day. Sweeeeet!


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