Chick Pea Salad

In discussing the recipe with my husband, who is the real cook in the family, I mentioned my new personal challenge, to cook through the Maine Bicentennial cookbook in 2020, starting with this chickpea salad.  He complimented me on the salad. I explained that it was contributed by the mother of Astronaut Jessica Meir. He said, "Well of course she contributed a Chickpea salad recipe. If it was from a guy, it would be Guypea salad." Go ahead, groan. I'll wait. I live with his witty wordplay every day...It's a good thing I love that man so!

I think what I appreciated the most about this recipe is the emphasis on fresh lemon juice, and good olive oil. I didn't have any dijon mustard, and substituted curry mustard, which was a surprisingly good choice.

BTW, while recipes are traditionally shared friend to friend, and family member to family member, I will not be sharing any of the actual recipes from the book in this blog, since the book is copyrighted. But I encourage you to pick up your own copy. For $20.20, it's a good deal. If you just want to try one or two, at their website:, you can purchase a few "extra" recipes that didn't fit into the book, for $6.00. That would be worth it for the Peaks Island donut recipe alone, I'm betting!


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